how to install yum in RHEL6

Hi Guys ....I am rahul supare and this is my first blog ....this blog will help you to know more about YUM (yellow Dog Updater/Modifier).... yum is usefull to install any software in linux becoz it solves dependency of RPM automatically.....OK Lets See.....

1)...First you need a RHEL6 dvd for you installation.. entre disk into cd-rom and mount it.   entre the commands as given in Picture......       
ok now dvd is mounted .

2) install 2 pakages  1)....vsftpd

while installing createrepo package it will ask for 2 dependency install them first with same command
( rpm -ivh ) then try to install createrepo..

3)...copy all dvd contents to the /var/ftp/pub folder.
# cp -r /opt/* /var/ftp/pub

4).. after copying the dvd ...enter the following commands (do not entre # )

# createrepo -v /var/ftp/pub

it will create repos file to solve the dependency....after creating repos you have to create a file with  .repo ...

# vi /etc/yum.repos.d/rahul.repo                 

and edit the file as given in picture 

in the baseurl you can entre your ip too 

Ex. baseurl=

now save & exit the file...

# yum clean all

now your "YUM SERVER" is ready ...your ready to go.....

if you want to install any software then just give a command

# yum install http* -y


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